Human Storytelling with John Azoni


"There's a lot of talk about human storytelling, but not a lot of it going on".

I’m joined by filmmaker John Azoni, Owner/Exec Producer at Unveiled for this conversation.

John is an experienced content producer and demonstrates a gift for spotting deeply human stories which I have seen in much of his work.

So it’s no surprise that his expert eye spotted this unexpected beauty “This Custodian Has Kept BU Clean for 27 Years” from Boston University.

“I just love the personality in the editing style, the simplicity of the story.. and just how it's a large institution getting really human. Focusing on a personality on campus whose story probably isn't going to drive enrollments directly, but telling his story because he's someone that everyone loves and respects.
I think it builds affinity for the brand”.

He’s right.

Take a look at what we’ve gotta say about it.



  • Great journalists are constantly curious. They hunt down the story and then find the most powerful way to tell it. Are you curious enough?

  • In our conversation John talks about interrogating content that appeals to him to try and work out why it works so he can improve his own work. Do you?

  • Boston University chose to make a film about an unexpected subject. But it speaks volumes about the institution that they did. What does your content say about you?


Made of Grit by Toronto Metropolitan University


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