What is an Impact Identity?

How cultivating a brand can supercharge the impact of Research, Innovation and Enterprise in universities, faculties and innovation hubs.

There’s one word we hear regularly among the academic and innovation community here in the UK and Europe: impact.

Research has always been the driving force behind innovation and commercial enterprise. But now, more than ever, there’s an increased demand to demonstrate the value of study and research in practical, real-world impact.

But how much could become commercialised and what opportunities are currently being missed?

Creating or reigniting your university brand, or new a parallel brand specifically to support collaborative ventures, can catalyse the opportunities.

It can harness a sense of purpose, shared mission and energy that leads to greater entrepreneurialism, new sources of funding, new corporate partnerships and new IP income – along with an improved reputation and even fame.

This is as much about a change of mindset as it is about a change of processes. It’s why reviewing and reigniting your existing university brand is an option.

By revisiting those foundations you can see what is still fit for the future and use it as a vehicle to change mindsets. And a simple change of language could also help a greater range of stakeholders to embrace this. Less corporate identity or branding – more Impact Identity.

A cohesive Impact Identity will increase the likelihood of maintaining a culture of innovation and ...

  • intensify the clarity and focus of the purpose, mission and vision

  • inspire emotional engagement

  • invigorate internal stakeholders

We know that achieving a common mindset across a range of stakeholders is not easy. But the good news is – it’s not impossible. If enormous corporations like Apple, among many others, have managed it (as well as other universities), so can you.

These five provocations will help you to create an Impact Identity:

  • Who do you think you are?

  • What do you really care about?

  • Can you tell a story?

  • How do you behave?

  • Start small and build – but start!

Click here to download the document!

Ian Bates